Thursday, December 4, 2008

Memory/Sensory Poem

I sat patiently, with my M&Ms, waiting for the curtain to rise. Even though we were seating as closely as we could afford I still squinted, which reminded me of my own purblindness as I searched for my glasses. The sweet, sialagogic chocolate made me thristy just as the lights dimmed, but the curtain still hadn't gone up. Then suddenly a fulmination of music occured while a massive elephant trailed down the aisle, followed by various other wild animals. The animals came to life as the rutilant lights spotlighted them. While the opening of the show was amazing, it clearly did not prepare me for the rest of the event, which I refused to allow the annoying man sitting too close to me destroy. Hirsute lions jumped around the stage, seeming to have no cares in the world. They took delight in chasing butterflies, warming their lanuginose manes in the sun. A father taught his son the importances of life and the meaning of being the king. The play went on as a happy lesson in life, until the plot took a turn for the worse. A menacing villian, who thinks himself a certain type of king, enters the picture and has a clearly acerbic relationship with the current king. They spend days speaking to their prospective subjects about how they will deal with one another when a fisticuff breaks out between the two due to the obvious tension. The fight lasts what felt like forever to me as I sat on the edge of my seat, chewing my fingernails. The King broke out in a fortissimo roar as he attaked his opposer. What I did not know was that attack would be The King's last. As he went down for good and the villian won, celebrating with a laugh, flames went off that made me feel as if the empyreuma was wafting throughout the theatre. I felt overwhelmingly sad for The King and his son, Simba.

hirsute- adj. covered with abundant hair
sialagogic- adj. encouraging salivary flow
empyreuma- n. The peculiar smell and taste arising from products of decomposition of animal or vegetable substances when burnt in close vessels.
rutilant- adj. glittering, glimmering, glistening
fulmination- n. an explosion
acerbic- adj. acid or biting, as in taste, manner, or tone
fisticuff- n. punch, pummel, or lunge
purblind- adj. half-blind, near-sighted, night-blinded
fortissimo- adv.&adj. in a very loud manner
lanuginose- adj. covered with lanugo, or soft, downy hairs