Thursday, February 19, 2009


Forever Together

Sometimes staring into his eyes
can feel the same as gazing at the sky.
The light blue reminds me of the ocean
as we spend an instance lazily together,
caring for nothing but each other
and the little time left.

There aren’t many moments left
and I can read it in his eyes.
Soon we will leave each other,
staring, as we drive away, at the sky,
so we won’t look back and remember being together.
We may become separated by an ocean.

But even if there is an ocean
my memories will permanently be left,
those ones of me and him always together
feeling constantly the staring of jealous eyes
belonging to those who pray to the sky
for something like ours and no other.

Its hard to believe, but I feel there is no other,
no other person who I would cross a vast ocean
to find or fly through the wide open sky
to get to just so he never feels left
behind with tears in those beautiful, crystal eyes
that always said “We’ll forever be together”.

We were aware of the lie of endlessly together,
but at those moments I didn’t want any other
story, just the one that calmed my eyes
so I didn’t cry a whole ocean
or let my final and true feelings be left
untold except to the eternally listening sky.

We let our dreams soar into the sky,
those dreams of our lives apart and together.
There are two routes but I know which once will be left
without my footprints or those of my significant other.
Soon the unbeaten path will be washed over by an ocean
and I’ll no longer be gazing in those eyes,

as he will have left in a plane high in the sky.
I’ll be alone with only my eyes, looking at pictures of us together,
still yearning for no other while persistently praying he’ll cross that ocean.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Feminine/Masculine Found Poem

Old Jewels

As I entered my childhood room I spotted it.
My mermaid chest.
I could feel my heartbeat going faster.
It use to be my essence.
The mermaid guarding my treasures has fairy peach
skin and red velvet hair and she sits on a
rock in the blue coolwater.
I finally opened the box to reveal
the essentials I had to wear everyday.
A flash of fuchsia
Tangerine joy
Pink diamonds
Racing rubies
Rose quartz

and a Pearl harbor.
all glitzed and glittered
while I remembered
every piece,
every moment,
and every boy
with a gapped smile behind the jewelry he gave to win my love.